Made By Me May - Day 22
My mother picked me up from the Airport and she drove me home. It was
midnight Fri 25th Feb and I had no idea what I was coming home to. The
power was still out and once I had coaxed Mr Wobbly out from under the
house all I could do was go to bed. The next morning I was shocked to
see how little our home had been affected, we live on the edge of the
city central, the footage of which I had been watching for days.
Fallen items in the kitchen |
Buttons everywhere in my workroom |
More Buttons |
Hallway |
Close Up of DVD's |
Top of Hallway (more buttons) |
only 1 hour of tidying up, the house looked like nothing had happened.
Non essential travel was not recommended, I was now stuck in our home.
Looking in our kitchen cupboards I found all our wine glasses had
fallen over but remained intact, for the first time in my life I was
furious, I wanted to smash everything, it all seemed so unfair, instead I
sat down and cried and cried.
Luckily our power was restored that
evening, I don't know how I would have managed on my own in the dark.
The Mr came home a few days after me and we set about seeing how we
could help. But didn't know what we could do, and that's when I went
onto TradeMe and ended up with these guys
Here are five of the six kittens we took in, in early March. Then while our heatpump was being installed, the kittens were overheard and the installer mentioned the earthquake had left him with a new cat who had given birth under his house. The shelters were all full and he didn't know what to do with them. Now guess what I said?
That's right meet the new four. Luckily the others had found homes by the time these guys showed up. Except for Jack that is.
We consider ourselves to be very lucky, everyone we love is safe, our home is ok and where we live life is reatively uninterrupted. I'm proud of the way we came together, everyone reaching out to the neighbours they had probably never met. I love Christchurch even more now than ever and I have no plans of leaving. I'm in this relationship for the long haul.
In the top earthquake photo you can see that we had a huge lack of storage in the kitchen, we used this bookcase until I could get my new shelves built. I bartered for these shelves with a builder friend by babysitting his son's.
As you can see, I painted this wall a deep green, I so love this colour. He built the shelves from odd pieces he had stored in his garage. The original idea was to paint them white, but I liked the rustic feel of them.
I filled the shelves with all the eclectic pieces I had collected. The scales my Gran used to bake with (far right), the mismatched glasses, decorative plates as well as practical items. The basket on the bottom shelf holds our cutlery, we don't have any draws, that's weird right?